Chiropractic and Longevity

Chiropractors help patients live pain-free, longer lives by keeping their spines healthy so their bodies can heal and function at their best. How does chiropractic care improve joint mobility and help people become more active? Dr. Gregg Rubinstein: Immobility, or…
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Osteoarthritis Can Be Helped with Chiropractic Care

anut21ng stock/ The most common form of arthritis is typically osteoarthritis. It’s been nicknamed “everyone’s disease” because everyone, at some point, in their life will be affected by it. The degree and severity of the amount of inflammation, swelling and…
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What is Arthritis? Who Gets it and Why?

Most people will develop arthritis over time but by caring for their spine from a young age and seeking chiropractic care to keep it healthy, people can avoid severe cases of it. What is arthritis? Dr. Gregg Rubinstein: Well, that’s…
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Why Flexibility Matters

Being flexible allows people to move better, increase their range of motion and maintain healthy and strong muscles. Doing stretching exercises or practicing yoga on a regular basis will help improve flexibility. What does it mean to be flexible and…
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