
4 Reasons Women Seek Postpartum Chiropractic Care

There are many reasons that women seek chiropractic care postpartum but here are the four most important reasons: 1. Low Back Pain Relief New moms will usually come in because they have some pain following the birth process. The pelvic…
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The Benefits of Postpartum Chiropractic Care

There are many benefits of postpartum chiropractic care for new moms such as getting better quality sleep, improving posture and relieving upper and lower back pain. How soon after birth would a mom have her baby examined by a chiropractor?…
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Post-Partum Care for the Mom and the Infant

The stress of childbirth can affect a baby’s spine. Chiropractors can examine infants and be sure that their spine is optimized for every stage of growth and development. Mothers also experience stress and tension on their bodies during pregnancy and…
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