Pregnancy Chiropractic New York

How Chiropractic Care Helps During the Third Trimester

Chiropractic care helps women throughout their pregnancy especially in the third trimester by preparing their bodies for a smooth and natural delivery. How does receiving chiropractic care during the third trimester help women feel more comfortable? Dr. Gregg Rubinstein: That’s…
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The Webster Technique FAQ

Chiropractors have great success performing the Webster Technique on pregnant women. Women experience more comfortable pregnancies and less complicated deliveries as a result of having relaxed ligaments around the uterus and less nerve pressure on the pelvic girdle and lumbar…
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Post-Partum Care for the Mom and the Infant

The stress of childbirth can affect a baby’s spine. Chiropractors can examine infants and be sure that their spine is optimized for every stage of growth and development. Mothers also experience stress and tension on their bodies during pregnancy and…
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