Types of Headaches and Their Causes

There are five main types of headaches: migraine, tension, cluster, medication overuse and hormonal. Each type of headache has different causes, triggers and symptoms but none should be ignored or masked with pain medication on a regular basis. Chiropractors can…
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Chronic Diseases and Chiropractic

Chiropractors help keep the body healthy by improving the communication between the nerve system and the brain by aligning joints to keep pressure off nerves. How would you define the term chronic disease, and what are some examples of chronic…
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Chiropractors Can Find the Cause of Your Headache

When a patient comes in complaining of headaches, you have got to do a proper examination and chiropractic analysis. As a chiropractor, you’re going to take a careful history; you’re going to listen to what they’ve been describing, how long…
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Surprising Conditions Chiropractic May Help

Chiropractic care removes pressure on the nerve system to allow the body to function properly. The body is designed to naturally heal itself so by removing interference in its function, many common health conditions such as headaches can be prevented…
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