Chiropractic Care Reduces In-Utero Constraint

I often get asked how a chiropractor can help a pregnant woman experiencing in-utero constraint because we focus on that and we deal with a lot of expecting moms through our work through the ICPA, which is the International Chiropractic…
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In-Utero Constraint Solutions

By working with the mom to relax the ligaments and adjust the pelvis, chiropractic care can help relieve in-utero constraint during pregnancy. What causes in-utero constraint? Dr. Gregg Rubinstein: There are quite a few different causes listed. Let’s actually talk…
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Webster Technique Certified

The Webster Technique is a safe and effective chiropractic technique that can be performed on all adults for proper pelvic alignment. This technique especially helps women before and during pregnancy to reduce intrauterine constraint and to allow the baby to get…
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